
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quick respond from BSP

There are some problems encountered when we an ordinary individual open an account with some banks. Most common problems are ids which as a normal practice is we need 2 valid ids to open an account regardless if is an atm or a passbook. As we all know there are primary ids and secondary ids. Primary ids are ids issue by the goverment like passport licenses,company id , sss, gsis and others.secondary ids are postal ids,nbi clearance,police clearance,voters id,school id and other form of id. If you look at it they have no difference they are all ids bearing your name, basic info,signature and othere but not all.
When we present primary ids or one primary and one secondary id we can they will accept for the difference of using primary ids to using secondary ids in opening of account. The difference is when you use primary ids are your allowed to deposit check even if you use one primary id and one secondary id you can still deposit check but if you present or use secondary ids you can only deposit cash meaning no checks i dont know why.

When you satisfiy there id recquirements they will ask you if you have a TIN number which i dont have one. Some banks will not allow you just like what i experience while some will allow you provided that you can present more recquirements like utility bill under your name,brgy clearance etc. Those banks who did not allow you will tell you that one of there recquirements in opening of accounts is TIN number so all you can do is look for banks that will allow you but there are branches who are very accomodating.
Because of this incident i have sent an email to BSP last june 01,2012 about banks who doesnt allow to open an account if you dont have a TIN number. To my suprise BSP has replied and endorse my problem to the banks three president.that namely metrobank,east west bank and security bank. Ordering them within 10 days to communicate with me directly and copy furnish bsp on the feed back and steps taken to resolve this.So far only east west bank has communicate with me regarding this problem.

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